MYM.Fans vs. OnlyFans: какой фанклуб тебе подходит

If you’re looking for a new premium fan club or социальные сети platform to post your content on, you may have looked into both MYM.Fans и OnlyFans. They both seem like great choices, which they are, but you’re wondering what separates the two platforms.

Ты пришел в нужное место.

In this article, we’re going to breakdown the main differences and similarities between MYM.Fans и OnlyFans. You will learn which pays better, which has more opportunities to make money, and all the special features each platform has.

First, we’ll start with the most important aspect: money.

Payout percentages on MYM.Fans and OnlyFans

OnlyFans has a flat payout percentage of 80% across the board. That’s on tips, subscriptions, private сообщения, and any other way to make money on the platform. This is great because you know exactly how much you’ll make no matter how someone spends money on your content.

Мы знаем, что происходит в индустрии креаторов!

В то время как многие обзоры, гайды или информация, представленная в сети, исходит из точки зрения одной модели, партнера или фаната, наши знания основаны на работе один на один с сотнями создателей. От cam-моделей до финансовых доминантов, у нас есть Дополнительный уровень проверки фактов, который приходит только с опытом.

Ты присоединишься к тысячам ежедневных читателей, которые приходят сюда, чтобы узнать Как начать и зарабатывай больше в качестве творца.

Заинтересован в покупке Надписи Пакеты, скрипты и другие ресурсы, которые помогут твоему бизнесу? позаботится о тебе.


MYM.Fans has different rates depending on what service someone pays for ranging from 75% up to an industry-leading 90%.

  • For monthly subscribers, you get 75% of whatever they spend every month
  • For private content sales, you get 80% of whatever they spend on each piece of content
  • For tips, you keep 90%

There is also a 1% performance bonus if you’re considered a SuperStar on the platform. Anyone can become a SuperStar, you just need to

  • Log in regularly
  • Have 50 active subscribers or more during the month
  • Post a minimum of 2 photos in your feed each week
  • Have a 90% response rate to private media within 48 hours

Consider it something like an active model bonus. Also, it’s not limited to a certain number of models every month, so as long as you reach those requirements you’ll be a SuperStar and make an additional 1%.

Ways models make money on both platforms

MYM.Fans и OnlyFans offer the same services to make money on their respective platforms. They are the monthly subscriber content, pay per message, private custom content, and their referral programs. We’ll go into more detail on the referral programs later in the article.

Payout rates for MYM.Fans and OnlyFans

OnlyFans has a more flexible payout than MYM.Fans, especially when you’re making money every single day. With OnlyFans, there is only a $20 minimum to make a withdraw from your account. This can be done manually every day, set it to automatically withdraw every Monday, or on the 1st of every month.

MYM.Fans has a €50 minimum to make withdraws which can not be done manually. You can set it to pull out automatically twice a week, once a week, twice monthly, or once a month.

Which has better model promotional help

This is where MYM.Fans really outshines OnlyFans. OnlyFans as a platform doesn’t allow easy discovery of models without knowing their username or having a direct link to their account. There is no model directory on OnlyFans, so a new model isn’t going to be shown off in any way to people searching by new.

MYM.Fans has a search function that starts with a nice collage of some of the top models and allows you to search for other models. You’re able to tag your account so people can discover you by that, you can search by city, and so many other ways. Just entering a generic keyword like “black” brings up hundreds of profiles. There is also a handy filter to only show SuperStar accounts so fans see which models are most active on the platform.

Ищешь ли ты Простой способ заработать больше денег?

Придумывать новые идеи для контента каждый день - та еще заноза в заднице. Перестань ежедневно устраивать мозговые штурмы новых идей и инвестируй в готовые решения, которые улучшат твой бизнес, увеличат число подписчиков и позволят зарабатывать больше денег.

👉🏾 Делай покупки прямо сейчас на и найди пакеты капч, скрипты, электронные книги и видеокурсы.

Какая реферальная программа лучше

The OnlyFans referral program allows for 5% of earnings for each model you refer up to 12 months or $50,000. This used to be unlimited but at the start of the pandemic in 2020, they reduced it to 12 months or $50,000 because so many new models were signing up.

The MYM.Fans referral program, or ambassador program as they call it, has 2 parts. The first is the model referral which is 10% for every model forever. The second part is their ambassador referral program. This is essentially recruiting other recruiters to help grow the platform. With the ambassador program, you get 50% of whatever the ambassador your refer receives, forever.

Hands down the MYM.Fans ambassador program blows OnlyFans out of the water. Double the percentage rates, forever. That’s phenomenal.

Which should you use MYM.Fans or OnlyFans

One of the main differences between MYM.Fans and OnlyFans is the userbase. MYM.Fans is based out of France and has a massive userbase out of France. If you’re French or in a French-speaking country, you could very easily grow on the platform. There are English-speaking models on the platform, so don’t let that dissuade you from trying it out.

OnlyFans has the name recognizability so if you mention you have an OnlyFans, people know what they’re getting themselves into. There’s no mistake what you’re about. It also helps that OnlyFans has the largest fanbase of any platform so someone who is already on the platform can easily subscribe to you…if they find you.

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Для получения дополнительной информации о

Чтобы узнать больше о OnlyFans и прочитать полный обзор и отзыв о платформе, нажмите здесь. Если ты заинтересован в присоединении к OnlyFans, нажмите здесь, чтобы зарегистрироваться и начни зарабатывать уже сегодня.

Дополнительная информация о OnlyFans:

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