Frisk срещу FanCentro: Коя платформа за фен клубове е за вас

Frisk и FanCentro are both premium club platforms you can use to make money from your biggest fans. They both have their pros and cons, and we’ll break it down for you in 10 minutes or less. е първокласна платформа за фенклубове, създадена и управлявана от секс работници с над 25 години опит в индустрията. Тъй като разполагат с невероятен екип, който познава и работи в бранша, всяка функция и предимство са създадени и реализирани с оглед на вас. при 80% процент на изплащане, е една от най-високите в бранша.

FanCentro е ново издание на пакета Centro, който включва (но не се ограничава до) ModelCentro, CentroBill и CentroProfits. С повече от 12 години в развлекателната индустрия за възрастни, създателите на FanCentro имат предвид вашия най-добър интерес, когато става въпрос за техните платформи.

В тази статия ще сравним и съпоставим двете платформи, за да можете да добиете ясна представа коя от тях би била подходяща за вас. В края на статията ще знаете точно коя премиум социални медии платформа ще ви помогне да развиете база от фенове, да спечелите отдадени абонати и да спечелите много пари.

Ways models make money on Frisk and FanCentro

What you’re able to do to make money on a platform is one of the biggest factors in choosing. For instance, if you’re interested in going live and get paid for it, that would be a necessity over the name of the platform. Let’s break down what you’re capable of doing on both Frisk и FanCentro. предлага множество начини за печелене на пари от създателите на съдържание, включително

  • Месечната абонаментна такса е от $4.99 до $44.99 с вградена опция за ограничена отстъпка
  • Плащане на съобщение до $44.99
  • Получаване на заплащане за видеоклипове, снимки и набори от снимки
  • Получаване на бакшиши
  • Програма за насочване

как да печелим пари от frisk

На FanCentro, влиятелните личности могат да печелят пари от

  • Стена за месечен абонамент
  • Изрязване на продажбите от вашата страница
  • Плащане за съобщение
  • Премиум управление на Snapchat
  • Съвети от фенове
  • Тяхната отлична програма за препращане (повече за нея по-късно)

fancentro как да печелим пари

For the most part, Frisk и FanCentro are similar on all parts. You have all the basic features like monthly subscribers, tipping, and pay per message.

Two things that FanCentro has that Frisk does not is premium Snapchat management and a more robust referral program. The premium Snapchat management will give you a list of usernames that are paying for premium Snaps and let you know when they cancel so you can remove them. We’ll have a whole other section on referral programs soon.

Next we’ll compare how much you get paid and how often you get paid on the two platforms.

Payout rates & frequency for Frisk and FanCentro

How much you get paid and how often you get paid is a major factor when choosing a premium fan club platform. We’ll look at Frisk and FanCentro to see which makes the most sense for you. изплаща 80% на своите създатели на съдържание, а останалите 20% отиват за разходи за сървър, обработка на плащания, поддръжка на клиенти, научноизследователска и развойна дейност и заплащане на персонала.

процент на изплащане на frisk pays out on Mondays and you’re required to request a withdrawal before Monday in order to get paid. Your earnings will roll over week to week so you can build up your bank before making a withdrawal.

The minimum required to make a withdrawal is $100 and there is a 7-day window for the funds to clear before you can withdraw that amount.

when to get paid on frisk

FanCentro pays out 75% to its content creators with the other 25% going towards website maintenance, payment processing fees, and any other regular business expenses.

процент на изплащане на fancentro

Models on FanCentro are paid weekly every Tuesday after their third week on the platform. There are varying minimums based on the payout method you choose.

  • Paxum: $50
  • ACH: $100
  • Проверка: $100
  • SEPA: $290
  • Тел: $1250

честота на изплащане на fancentro

When it comes to get getting paid, Frisk and FanCentro’s both pay you weekly and have low minimums. But 80% versus 75% can make a world of difference when you add it up.

Say you’re generating $10,000 a month. On Frisk you would $8,000 of that. On FanCentro you would get $7,500. At the end of the year, that’s a total of $6,000 you missed out on. So for that, we’ll have to give the edge to Frisk here.

Коя платформа помага на моделите да получат повече фенове

Whether you’re a brand new model or a million-follower influencers, growing your fan base is fantastic when you get help. Both platforms have their methods of helping you out, let’s look at how they compare. has one of the most functional searches we’ve seen, with the option to tag your profile with various features like tattooed, feet, BBW, or any other option you can think of. Users can sort by the newest models on the platform as well as filter by gender or couples.

The tag function can be edited in your settings and really allows for fans to find new models that fit what they’re looking for.

Once you reach 50 pieces of content on (a mix of photos and videos), you can reach out to and they’ll create a promotion video for you to share on социални медии. If you’re exclusive on they’ll add that in as well.

frisk promotion help

FanCentro has a great homepage that instantly features popular models. There is a great filter also that allows users to find the newest models, most popular, and best-selling products.

Another great part of FanCentro that helps you get promoted is their affiliate program which gives people an incentive to promote your work. You can provide images you want to be distributed and the affiliate will promote them with a special link back to your page. If someone makes a purchase, they get a percentage of that sale.

Помощ за промоция на fancentro

So both platforms are great for both new models and established content creators. This one is truly up to personal preference.

Do you have a defined look and features that make you stand out? The tag system on Frisk could be perfect for you. The filters on FanCentro as also great for you.

FanCentro may have an edge with its affiliate army promoting your content for you. Basically, you put together a promotional package with ~15 pictures for them to promote across the internet and they’ll get paid for driving new paying members to you, no money out of your pocket.

Коя програма за препращане е по-добра

In case you’re not familiar, a referral program is the incentive for models to find other models or help their friends get started on the platform. Generally, you will get a percentage of their earnings but it doesn’t come out of their earnings. Let’s do a deep dive into the Frisk and FanCentro referral programs.

The referral program offers you 5% of the subscription earnings of any model you have signed up for on the platform.

frisk referral program

The FanCentro referral program pays out 10% earnings for every model you refer to the site. This is for the lifetime of the model on the platform and the 10% does not come out of the model’s earnings. There is no limit to the number of models you can refer to FanCentro.

програма за препращане на fancentro

FanCentro is a clear winner in this category, allowing you double the earnings for new models on the platform. Just to reiterate, these earnings don’t come out of the model earnings.

Which should you use Frisk or FanCentro

There are clear winners in some categories, but for the most part it comes down to what you’re network looks like.

FanCentro pays out less at 75% versus Frisk’s 80% but pays out more for their referral program at 10% versus Frisk’s 5%. If you have friends that are ready to jump on the fan club train, you could make that difference up with the referral program.

If you’re not interested in finding additional models for the platforms, Frisk has similar features and benefits to FanCentro as far as creating and selling content.

Both platforms will help you grow regardless of whether you’re brand new or have hundreds of thousands of followers. Both platforms have great search functionality for discovery onsite.

To learn more about and read a full overview and review of the platform, Кликнете тук. If you’re interested in joining, кликнете тук, за да се регистрирате, и започнете да печелите пари още днес.

For more information about

За да научите повече за FanCentro и да прочетете пълен преглед и ревю на платформата, Кликнете тук. Ако искате да се присъедините към FanCentro, Кликнете тук, за да се регистрирате и започнете да печелите пари още днес.

За повече информация относно FanCentro:

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