Je MYM.Fans varen in zakonit? (posodobljeno 2024) je premium družbeni mediji website that models can use to create a recurring revenue stream. je najbolj priljubljen v francosko govorečih državah, saj je na njem nekaj najbolj priljubljenih francoskih ustvarjalcev.


  • Plačilo prejmite kar dvakrat na teden
  • Izjemno priljubljen v francosko govorečih državah
  • Program Superstar 🌟 za najboljše ustvarjalce, ki lahko zaslužijo dodaten denar
  • Proaktivna zaščita vsebine is a brand new premium družbeni mediji site. The website is known among the audience, but not many models know about this site’s existence. This website has many features that allow models to turn regular followers into paying customers in little time.

Since this is a new website and it hasn’t been mentioned in the media as much as others, many people have doubts about its legitimacy. The first thing you should know is that is an utterly legit website where you can earn money by selling premium content. allows you to earn money through subscriptions, push media, and other things. The website is still in development, so you can expect new features to be implemented in the months to come. For now, let’s tell you some of the main features you can use here!

Is safe?

Absolutely. not only allows you to geo-block regions by emailing support but you can block any user you want. If your content shows up anywhere on the internet, they have a legal team ready to issue takedown requests. As far as payments go, you can be sure to get paid on time with’ flawless record.

Vemo, kaj se dogaja v industriji ustvarjalcev!

Medtem ko veliko pregledov, vodnikov ali informacij, predstavljenih na spletu, izhaja iz perspektive enega modela, partnerja ali oboževalca, naše znanje izhaja iz sodelovanja ena na ena z več sto ustvarjalci. Od cam modelov do finančnih dominantov, imamo dodaten nivo preverjanja dejstev, ki ga prinesejo šele izkušnje..

Pridružili se boste tisočim bralcem, ki se dnevno prihajajo učit kako začeti in . zaslužite več kot ustvarjalec.

Zanimanje za nakup podnapisi pakete, skripte in druge vire za pomoč vašemu podjetju? vam je na voljo.


Are you ready to become an model?

There are no complicated forms or processes you need to complete to become an model. You can start setting up your profile quickly after you complete the registration process. Also, it’s worth noting that the only requirement is being over the age of eighteen. Besides that, anyone can join this wonderful community and start earning as soon as possible!

Models can get boosted so they can find customers quickly.

If you’re having trouble finding models, don’t worry. There is a model promotion feature available on This network reaches an audience made of more than 3 million followers, meaning that many of them may be interested in purchasing your content.

While you can use your own družbeni mediji profiles to gain popularity, you can also take advantage of this feature. You must provide a full-length photograph in HD quality where your face is seen clearly, and doesn’t have any visual modifications like emojis or texts. The picture must be safe for work and should follow the editorial team’s guidelines.

However, it would help if you waited until a moderator selects you to appear on družbeni mediji networks. Applications to this feature are rarely declined, so if your content meets the requirements, you will receive an email with the instructions.

The best models qualify for the SuperStar program. awards the best models with the “SuperStar” recognition. Not only will you earn a start to make you look outstanding than the rest, but you will also earn an additional 1% commission from subscriptions and other media. Also, becoming a SuperStar means your visibility will increase thanks to the users being able to find you through the search filters.

Iščete lažji način, kako zaslužiti več denarja?

Vsakodnevno snovanje novih idej za vsebino je naporno. Prenehajte vsakodnevno snovati nove ideje in vlagajte v že pripravljene rešitve, s katerimi boste izboljšali svoje poslovanje, povečali število naročnikov in zaslužili več denarja.

👉🏾 Kupujte zdaj na in poiščite pakete z napisi, skripte, e-knjige in video tečaje.

To qualify for the SuperStar program, you must meet these requirements:

  • A certified account is necessary.
  • You must post continually on the network. Two pieces of content weekly should be enough.
  • You must have a minimum of fifty subscribers in the past month.
  • You must have a 90% response rate to private or custom requests in the last two days.

As you can see, these requirements aren’t really out of the norm, and you can quickly meet them if you become active on the platform.

Če želite izvedeti več o platformi in prebrati celoten pregled in oceno platforme, kliknite tukaj. Če se želite pridružiti, kliknite tukaj za prijavo in začnite zaslužiti denar še danes.

Za več informacij o

Ste ustvarjalec vsebine? Udeležite se našega projekta 2023 anketa o zaslužku tukaj! Le 13 vprašanj!
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(Opomba: anketa je v angleščini)