MYM.Fans vs. Frisk.Chat Which Platform for Content Creators

Looking for a new platform to upload and sell your content on can be kind of daunting. You may have stumbled upon in . and are wanting a direct comparison of the two. No worries, we have you covered in this article. is a primarily French-speaking premium družbeni mediji platform for public figures, influencers, and content creators. It has many tools for you to increase your earnings & a unique blurred content feed to give followers even more reason to subscribe. je platforma premium fan klubov, ki so jo ustvarili in jo vodijo spolni delavci z več kot 25-letnimi izkušnjami v industriji. Ker imajo neverjetno ekipo, ki pozna in dela v industriji, je vsaka funkcija in ugodnost ustvarjena in implementirana z mislijo na vas. na 80% odstotek izplačila, je eden najvišjih v panogi.

V tem članku bomo primerjali in primerjali obe platformi, da boste lahko jasno vedeli, katera je primerna za vas. Do konca članka boste točno vedeli, katera premium družbeni mediji platforma vam bo pomagala povečati bazo oboževalcev, pridobiti predane naročnike in zaslužiti veliko denarja.

Ways models make money on MYM.Fans and Frisk.Chat

One of the most important aspects when it comes to choosing a platform to start selling on is what you’re able to sell on the website. The last thing you want to do is choose a platform and a few months down the line you find you can’t, for instance, live stream or sell clips. in . have their own content capabilities listed below.

Denar lahko začnete služiti na po

  • Mesečne naročniške storitve
  • Prodaja vsebine po meri
  • Push media ali pay-per-view
  • Nasveti oboževalcev
  • Njihov program za ambasadorje

kako zaslužiti denar na mymfans ustvarjalcem vsebin ponuja več načinov zaslužka, vključno z

  • Mesečna naročnina je od $4.99 do $44.99 z vgrajeno omejeno možnostjo popustov
  • Plačilo na sporočilo do $44,99
  • Plačilo za videoposnetke, slike in komplete slik
  • Prejemanje napitnine
  • Program za napotitev

kako zaslužiti denar na frisk

Payout rates & frequency for MYM.Fans and Frisk.Chat

Easily the second most important aspect when it comes to selling content is how much and how often you get paid. You want to keep as much of your earnings and get that into your bank account as soon as possible. in . have different payouts and payment plans written in more detail below. izplača 75% za naročnine, 80% za zasebne medije in 90% za nasvete. To je edinstveno, saj je izplačilo različno glede na to, kako zaslužite denar. Njihov program SuperStar je vašo stopnjo naročnine in zasebnih medijev povečal za 1%.

mymfans odstotek izplačila

Modeli na so izplačani, ko dosežejo minimalni znesek 50 €. Izberejo lahko izplačilo dvakrat na teden, enkrat na teden, dvakrat na mesec ali enkrat na mesec. Naročniška plačila se zadržijo 15 dni za mesečne naročnine in 60 dni za letne naročnine. Zasebni mediji in nasveti so v čakanju 7 dni po prejemu. To je namenjeno preprečevanju goljufij. Po preteku teh rokov se dohodek premakne iz čakajočega v potrjenega in se postavi v čakalno vrsto za izplačilo.

mymfans pogostost izplačil pays out 80% to its content creators with the other 20% going towards server costs, payment processing, customer support, research and development, and paying staff.

odstotek izplačila frisk pays out on Mondays and you’re required to request a withdrawal before Monday in order to get paid. Your earnings will roll over week to week so you can build up your bank before making a withdrawal.

The minimum required to make a withdrawal is $100 and there is a 7-day window for the funds to clear before you can withdraw that amount.

when to get paid on frisk

Katera platforma modelom pomaga pridobiti več oboževalcev

Whether you’re a veteran model with an army of raving fans or brand new and looking to get started, a platform that helps you grow is always a great thing. Organic growth means you don’t have to do anything outside of what you’re already doing to increase your paying customers. and have their own methods of helping you gain new followers and subscribers. ima program SuperStar, ki povečuje vaše zaslužke in povečuje vaše možnosti, da vas najdejo v funkciji iskanja. Če želite biti upravičeni do programa SuperStar, morate

  • Imate račun, v katerem že prodajate (certificirano)
  • Vsak dan se prijavite v spletno mesto
  • V preteklem mesecu ste imeli vsaj 50 naročnikov.
  • Vsak teden objavite vsaj 2 fotografiji v kanalu.
  • V 48 urah pridobite vsaj 90% odzivov na zasebne medije

Prednosti programa SuperStar vključujejo

  • 1% bonus provizije za naročnine in prodajo zasebnih medijev
  • V vašem profilu je prikazana oznaka SuperStar.
  • Vaš status SuperStar je poudarjen na vaši naročniški strani.
  • S filtrom SuperStar vas bodo pri iskanju lažje našli
  • Plačila lahko prejemate prek storitve PayPal

Status superzvezdnika se samodejno podeli 1. v mesecu in velja za naslednji mesec.

mymfans promocijska pomoč has one of the most functional searches we’ve seen, with the option to tag your profile with various features like tattooed, feet, BBW, or any other option you can think of. Users can sort by the newest models on the platform as well as filter by gender or couples.

The tag function can be edited in your settings and really allows for fans to find new models that fit what they’re looking for.

Once you reach 50 pieces of content on (a mix of photos and videos), you can reach out to and they’ll create a promotion video for you to share on družbeni mediji. If you’re exclusive on they’ll add that in as well.

frisk promotion help

Kateri program napotitve je boljši

In case you’re unaware, a referral program is an incentive for you to find new models for the platform. Typically you earn a percentage of what the model earns and this doesn’t come out of the model’s earnings. ima sponzorski program, ki izplača 10% za vsak model, ki ga prijavite s svojo povezavo. Navedete lahko poljubno število modelov in ta program ne vpliva na njihove zaslužke.

program napotitve mymfans

The referral program offers you 5% of the subscription earnings of any model you have signed up for on the platform.

frisk referral program

Note that if you’re not planning on finding new models, this shouldn’t be a factor in you decision.

Which should you use MYM.Fans or Frisk.Chat

Both and are great platforms in their own right. is more like a monetized Instagram account. has a clip and photo store that you can use to sell content passively.

To learn more about and read a full overview and review of the platform, kliknite tukaj. If you’re interested in joining, kliknite tukaj za prijavo, in začnite služiti denar še danes.

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