LoyalFans vs. OnlyFans: Which One Should You Use

一方 オンリーファン has become something of a household name at this point, there are many other platforms that cater to the adult industry. One of these is LoyalFans. Both LoyalFansオンリーファン have a number of great features which we’ll break down in this in-depth comparison between the two.

In a battle of which fan club platform is better, we bring you LOYALFANS vs. ONLYFANS! In our first round, we’ll break down arguable one of the most important parts of the business: money.


オンラインで紹介される多くのレビュー、ガイド、または情報は、一人のモデル、アフィリエイト、またはファンの視点からのものであるが、私たちの知識は、何百人ものクリエイターと一対一で作業することから生じている。カムモデルから金融界の支配者まで、私たちには 経験を積むことでしか得られない事実確認の層が加わる.

あなたは、このサイトを毎日訪れる何千人もの読者の仲間入りです。 始め方 もっと稼ぐ クリエイターとしてだ。

購入を希望する キャプション パック、スクリプト、その他のリソースがあなたのビジネスに役立つか? サブトーミードットコム がカバーしています。


Which pays more: LoyalFans or OnlyFans

両方 LoyalFansオンリーファン offer an 80% payout on all earnings on their platform. This is top tier in the industry, with the other 20% going towards affiliates, maintenance, research and development, etc. No contest here, both parties tie.

OnlyFans have a $20 minimum for payouts and allow for daily manual withdrawals, weekly payouts every Monday, or monthly payouts on the 1st of every month.

LoyalFans pays out twice a month with their pay periods being the 1st to the 15th and the 16th through to the end of the month. Payouts are issued within 7 days from the end of a given pay period. There is also a $50 minimum for payouts with all earnings under that amount carried over to the next month until the minimum is achieved.

We have to give the edge to オンリーファン in the payout department. A daily withdrawal means if you make a killing on a sale you can easily collect your bag and not have to wait a few weeks to get paid out.

Ways to make money on LoyalFans & OnlyFans

Both LoyalFans and OnlyFans offer a number of great ways to make money on their platforms, a lot of which are similar. You can have monthly premium subscriptions or a free content wall, premium or locked content, you can schedule out your content in advance, and get paid for messaging fans. They both offer a referral program, but there’s one thing LoyalFans has over OnlyFans we’ll talk about shortly. It’s easily the one thing that sets LoyalFans above OnlyFans and many other platforms out today…

If you can’t wait, scroll down to the referral program section…

Which platform helps you gain more followers

One of the biggest complaints about OnlyFans is that there is no way for accounts to be browsed. If you’re not driving traffic to your page, you’re not being discovered. Every other platform has some way to browse models except OnlyFans. For that, we’re going to have to knock it down a few points.

をお探しだろうか? もっと簡単に稼ぐ方法?


👉🏾 SubToMy.comで、キャプションパック、スクリプト、電子書籍、ビデオコースを購入しよう。

LoyalFans has a top model page that regularly features adult industry icons. They also have a page dedicated to the newest models on the platform. We regularly see models we work with quickly go from the new page to earning big bills in a few months.

When it comes to gaining followers from the actual website, LoyalFans wins hands down. There is no way for fans to discover you on OnlyFans without them knowing your link, username, or someone sends them to you.

The LoyalFans and OnlyFans referral programs

OnlyFans used to have a lifetime 5% referral commission for every new model you bring in. That was changed early in 2020 to a 12 month 5% commission for referrals up to $50,000 per model. This pissed off a lot of content creators that were making a considerable amount from their model referrals, understandable.

LoyalFans offers a 5% referral commission for every model you bring in for a lifetime. Like every other platform, this does ノット come from the model’s earnings.

The best feature that LoyalFans has over OnlyFans is the customer revenue share. What this means is that any customer that signs up after coming to your page becomes your referral. Any time they spend money, whether it’s on you or another model, you get a percentage. This is amazing for models because you’re still getting a percentage when they start buying other model’s content.

Why you should use LoyalFans over OnlyFans

As of the time of writing, the only thing OnlyFans has over LoyalFans is the name recognition. LoyalFans offers many of the same features, has an easier to navigate interface, a great model browse feature, and the customer revenue share is absolutely amazing. Imagine doing a shoutout for shoutout and now you’re making money because your fans are buying from your friend. That’s a win-win for both parties.

If you need more information about LoyalFans, we have a more in-depth guide here. Our OnlyFans review is coming very soon.

Loyalfansの詳細については、プラットフォームの概要とレビューをお読みください。 ここをクリック.ロイアルファンに興味がある方。 お申し込みはこちら 今日からあなたのコンテンツで報酬を得ることができます。


OnlyFansの詳細については、プラットフォームの概要とレビューをご覧ください。 ここをクリック.OnlyFansにご興味のある方。 お申し込みはこちら を購入し、今日から収入を得ることができます。


あなたはコンテンツ・クリエイター?私たちの2023年 収益調査はこちら!たった13問しかない!
75%割引クーポンを入手する サブトーミードットコム に参加した!
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