Що таке LiveJasmin і як він працює для моделей

Being a webcam model can be one of the most profitable side hustles someone can choose. However, not many people take it seriously due to the sexual nature of the matter. Sex workers can earn a lot of money if they know where to find clients, and that does not happen solely on the streets; it also works pretty well around the internet.

A webcam model performs different things in front of the webcam, all for the audience’s entertainment. They’re not exactly doing what people say; they only do what they’re comfortable with, which is explained in each room. Since most people consume vanilla stuff, you should give LiveJasmin a try.

LiveJasmin has become one of the greatest camming sites of all time. It started in 2004 with a different name, and since then, the Website has been through different changes, but that has never stopped it from being one of the main options for viewers and models.

For today’s article, we will give you a LiveJasmin review so you can finally decide if it’s worth it to become a model on this camming Website. Let’s begin!

Хто може стати моделлю на LiveJasmin?

You’re welcome to model on LiveJasmin if you help maintain the Website’s glamorous vibe. They accept anyone over 18, so every new member must undergo a verification process before they start performing. It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl, a boy, or trans; LiveJasmin will welcome you with open arms.

You must be aware that most people consuming content on LiveJasmin are heterosexual males, though. It has been proved that men consume more sexual content than anyone else, but it’s rare to find a girl interested in watching either a girl’s or a guy’s stream.

Now, LiveJasmin does not only allow solo-performing people on the Website. If you want to perform with a partner or with more than one person, you can do so as long as they have their ages verified. In case you didn’t know, live sex shows have a lot of earning potential!

Що потрібно, щоб стати моделлю на LiveJasmin?

The only real requirement to become a LiveJasmin model has already been mentioned: being of legal age. It’s pretty obvious why all adult networks require their models to be over the age of 18, so this is something we don’t have to explain.

We can tell you that you will need some stuff to start performing as soon as possible. If you don’t have something from this list, it’s time to start gathering all as soon as possible!


Комп'ютер завжди буде необхідним, тому що це єдиний спосіб транслювати трансляції з веб-камери. Однак є деякі вимоги до ноутбука або настільного комп'ютера, який ви будете використовувати для цього. Ви повинні переконатися, що ваш комп'ютер має щонайменше 4 ГБ оперативної пам'яті, чотирьохядерний процесор або краще, а також операційну систему Windows або Mac OS X.


Most laptops nowadays have a webcam integrated; however, we highly recommend getting an HD webcam to deliver higher-quality shows. Also, try to buy a webcam with a built-in microphone! It will make things easier for you. People are more likely to stay if the quality of the stream is high.

Високошвидкісне підключення до Інтернету

A high-speed internet connection will be necessary, especially if you’re looking forward to cam-splitting (see below for more information about this feature). Your upload speed must be a minimum of 2 Mbps, but most internet plans nowadays have better connections, so this will not be a problem often.

However, keep in mind that streaming on multiple websites simultaneously requires a lot of resources, so ensure you have an internet connection good enough to stream on both sites without interruptions.

Додаткові, але необов'язкові речі

Many models like to make their shows a bit more interesting by using sex іграшки. Деякі люди наважуються використовувати косплей, а люди зі специфічними фетишами мають особливе вбрання, яке вони одягають під час своїх виступів. Ці речі не є обов'язковими, але ми наполегливо рекомендуємо вам взяти участь в інтерактиві секс-іграшки. Ці іграшки зробити життя пікантнішим для вас і ваших глядачів і допоможуть вам заробити більше грошей в довгостроковій перспективі!

Скільки можна заробити на LiveJasmin?

Непросто сказати, скільки ви зароблятимете, будучи моделлю LiveJasmin. Однак ми можемо надати вам інформацію про те, як веб-сайт обробляє платежі, щоб ви мали уявлення про те, з чим вам доведеться мати справу, коли ви почнете працювати. Ви повинні знати, що виплати на LiveJasmin поділяються на різні рівні, найнижчий - 30%, а найвищий - 60%. Всі нові моделі починаються з найнижчого рівня, і його підвищення займе деякий час.

Models on the 60% tier are earning about $2,500 per pay period. LiveJasmin has two pay periods. The first starts on the first day of the month and the second ends on the 15th day. If you want to reach the highest tier, you’ll have to work a lot. It is known that new models have to work more hours than regular performers if they want to make more money during their first weeks as a model.

Способи оплати, доступні на LiveJasmin

LiveJasmin offers more payment methods than most camming sites. As of now, they have seven different ways of getting your earnings. It’s also possible to withdraw your earnings anytime during the month if you pay a small fee of 1%. The minimum payout for this feature is $5, and the maximum is $150.

Методи оплати (як для резидентів США, так і для міжнародних моделей) включають чеки (тільки для резидентів США), Paxum, прямі депозити, банківський переказ, ePayService, SEPA та WebMoney.

Many people love using e-wallets nowadays, but it’s not possible to use them in adult networks. For example, PayPal bans its users if they find out they’ve been getting money from adult websites.

Making Money on LiveJasmin

LiveJasmin and other top websites for camming have many things in common. One of them is that they have the same ways of earning money; there are only a few differences between them. Most of them use a token system, and that’s where LiveJasmin differs from them. The Website may use a similar system but actually pays its model differently, depending on the activity they’re engaging in.

Публічні виставки

Public shows are not what most people are looking for in LiveJasmin, but they can make you earn many customers quickly. Most people who come to LiveJasmin aren’t interested in freemium shows; they want full attention from the hot models, so LiveJasmin is perfect if you’re looking for private shows.

LiveJasmin allows cam-splitting, so you can go public on multiple websites and earn more customers quickly. It’s a tactic many models use and is known to work very well, no matter what Website you choose as an alternative. Your computer must be good enough to execute the cam-splitting program, though, and your internet connection must also be high.

Закриті виставки

This is the part that most models and viewers like about LiveJasmin, the private show. Most webcam shows in LiveJasmin are memorable because of the models’ charm. The model and the client must establish the terms of the show before it starts to avoid any problems while it is going. Did you think webcam shows are the only way to earn money in LiveJasmin? Well, you’re wrong! You can also earn money through…

Підписки на фан-клуби

This is another excellent way you have to earn money on LiveJasmin. You can find them on any model’s profile; managing them is effortless. A Fanclub is a page where you put premium content; only people who pay the subscription fee will have access to it. There are different prices: $4.99, $9.99, and $14.99. The subscription rebills every two weeks.

More Fantastic Features Are Available on LiveJasmin

LiveJasmin has many other things you can use to make your experience more pleasant. Here’s a list with everything this cam site offers to make you more comfortable.

Мобільний додаток LiveJasmin

LiveJasmin is one of the few websites with a mobile app for Android and iOS. Due to the app’s nature, you must download it from LiveJasmin’s official page. We recommend you get this app as soon as possible because it will make you earn more money, in the long run, thanks to all the features it has available:

  • Голосові та відеодзвінки, які тарифікуються похвилинно.
  • Преміум-контент, схожий на фан-клуби. Ви завантажуєте матеріали (фотографії та відео), а вони платять певну суму, щоб їх розблокувати.
  • Історії, які працюють точно так само, як у Snapchat. Ви можете зробити їх доступними для всіх користувачів або тільки для преміум-користувачів, але в будь-якому випадку вони зникнуть через 24 години.

This app is directly linked to your LiveJasmin profile, so you can trust that everything will be in the same place.

Створіть свій власний веб-сайт за допомогою "Мій веб-сайт".

Ця функція доступна лише для кваліфікованих моделей. Коли ви отримаєте дозвіл, ви можете попросити, щоб веб-сайт був створений виключно для вас. Не буде ніякої конкуренції, і ви будете в центрі уваги. Багато моделей роблять це, коли їм набридає сайт і вони хочуть отримати більше клієнтів з меншими зусиллями.

Мій сайт дозволяє вам стати суперзіркою, центром подій і кожної взаємодії. Ви також будете виглядати більш професійно!

LiveJasmin’s main features can be used on your Website, too, including the chatbox and fan clubs. All the media you sell on LiveJasmin will also be available on that website.

Зробіть все більш захоплюючим, використовуючи VibraToy.

VibraToy is a small device that you probably already imagine what it is for. It’s a sex toy that will make each session more interesting than the previous one. Members can control this device with their mouse, vibrating or rotating. After you connect the toy to your computer via Bluetooth, they can play with it.

When you use VibraToy, you get extra credit. Also, a badge will be displayed in your thumbnail so customers know that you’re using interactive секс-іграшки у вашому шоу.


LiveJasmin allows models to pick between three countries so they can block it. You can also choose and block your country, but it doesn’t count for those three. When geo-blocking is enabled, no one from those websites can watch your shows or access any of the content you’ve uploaded to the Website. Using a VPN quickly solves this problem, though.

LiveJasmin is a legitimate website with many features to take advantage of to make your journey easier. Many top models started here, and now they’re among the best on multiple websites!

Що таке LiveJasmin?

LiveJasmin is one of the leading camming sites on the internet. This is mainly because they currently have about 310 million visitors each month. The Website does not like to think about itself as a “sex cam” site; actually, the site has a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere that anyone who tries it once will fall in love with.

LiveJasmin is also one of the highest-paying cam sites on the internet. The best part is that you don’t even have to perform hardcore stuff; since the Website likes to maintain a “good” image, most of the show’s models are entirely vanilla. Some people like to dare the system and perform more challenging stuff, but that’s acceptable until a certain point.

LiveJasmin describes itself as “glamour-modeling,” not as “porny” as most cam sites out there. This is an excellent choice for veteran models and those just starting their journey. It has excellent traffic, tons of features anyone can easily use and take advantage of, and a good staff that will answer all your inquiries in case one appears.

Статистика трафіку LiveJasmin

Глобальний рейтинг (всі веб-сайти)325-й
Рейтинг сайту для дорослих27-го.
Загальний місячний трафік (за оцінками)152,90 мільйонів на місяць
Топ-5 країн-відвідувачівСША, Німеччина, Франція, Великобританія, Італія