Come diventare un'operatrice di sesso telefonico

Phone sex isn’t what it used to be during these modern times. However, it is still an excellent alternative to regular adult performing options, like cam shows and selling homemade porn. You probably know what this is about, but we’re still covering it in case you live under a rock and have no idea about what it takes to become a PSO.

Phone sex operators were very popular during the past two decades, but since there are better alternatives and people prefer to watch rather than hear, it is now less popular. However, don’t let that stop you from profiting from phone sex. It is still possible, and you can do it as an extra to your regular performing shows. You can even include it in the list of services you offer on many of the websites you choose to promote yourself.

First of all, you must be 18 or older to become a sex operator. That’s the essential requirement for all people to avoid any legal issues. Before, you could only start profiting out of phone calls, but now it is possible to do it through text messaggi as well. Sexting is an excellent way of profiting, but most people don’t know where to start. That’s why we’re here to answer all the questions that you probably have but can’t find the answer.

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Becoming a phone sex operator: a guide

Making money as a phone sex operator isn’t as difficult as you may be thinking. There are a few requirements, and you don’t even need an expensive phone to start earning. Still, here’s the list of Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno to become a PSO:

  1. Being of legal age. Being 18 or older is essential if you want to start making a place in the adult industry. Most websites, not only those oriented for PSOs, will require you to submit a digital copy of your ID to verify your age and your identity.
  2. You can be anyone you want while you’re a phone sex operator. Everyone is welcome: Boys, girls, transgender people of all kinds, and people of all sexual orientations. There’s space for everyone here!
  3. Of course, you’re going to need a mobile phone. During these times, it is very strange to see someone without a smartphone, but we do know that there are some who prefer old fashioned phones instead of modern ones. If that’s your case, we recommend getting a smartphone as soon as possible because they will bring you more opportunities in the long run. This includes ways to promote yourself and even apps where you can earn more by performing (either shows or by phone sex/texting).

This is pretty much all that’s needed to become a phone sex operator. However, there are more steps to follow, and now we’re going to tell you how to become one step by step:

Pick a nickname

You don’t want to use your real name when you’re a sex operator. When we say “pick a nickname,” we’re not saying you should use one as “lovely1234”, because that’s not appealing, and you’ll end up getting no customers. Pick the right name that looks real, but that’s very far from your real-life name.

Pick a website

As we already told you, there are many websites, and they all offer different things. Some of the best websites to start profiting as a sex phone operator are listed below. It’s up to you to decide which one to use, but it’s better if you use multiple ones if you want to take advantage of this as much as you can.

One of the best sites you can use to start profiting as a PSO is NiteFlirt

Verify your identity

All adult-oriented websites will require you to verify your identity in order to become a model. You’ll need to submit a digital copy of your ID. It can be either a scanned file or just a picture of it. The verification process won’t take too much time; give it an hour or forty minutes, and you’ll be all set up.

Personalize your profile as you want

After your identity has been verified, you will be able to modify your profile as much as you want. Make sure you fill all the camps and make yourself look as attractive as possible. That way, you’ll ensure people will be interested in you, and you’ll be getting more customers in the long-term!

It’s time to start!

At this point, you’re all set up. When you finish customizing your profile, you’ll be able to start performing. As soon as someone sees your profile, they will very likely contact you, and the fun will begin. Make sure to give a good show!

Privacy concerns with being a phone sex operator

Just hiding behind a name isn’t enough to protect your identity. You need to make sure you’re protected, and many websites offer you as much protection as possible. However, please consider:

  1. Your real phone number will never be revealed to the public if you use PSO websites. They use third-party services to hide it.
  2. Your calls and text are encrypted, which means that all the information you exchange with your customer is entirely safe.
  3. Even if you have the previous options as protections, don’t reveal any personal information to your customers or anyone in general.

Making money as a phone sex operator

It’s uncertain to tell you how much a phone sex operator earns because it all depends on the type of services you’re offering to the customers. As usual, phone calls will be charged per minute and texting per message (which isn’t really recommendable unless you’re using another method, like a premium Snapchat account or an IsMyGirl account).

The services’ pricing can be either up to you or to the website, depending on the platform you’ve decided to promote yourself in. They all will take a certain percentage of your total earnings, but most of the time, you’ll be able to modify your rates as much as you want. It’s better if you combine being a PSO with subscription services, like premium Snapchats or IsMyGirl. In the next section, we talk more deeply about this alternative.

Alternatives to being a phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator is great. If you want to expand into other markets here are a few alternatives you can try out or ways you can increase your income.

A premium Snapchat account

Setting up a premium Snapchat account is very easy. All you need is a smartphone and registering into a premium Snapchat network. This will make it more comfortable for you to find customers, so it’s one of the best options you can choose to promote yourself and to start earning a good amount from the start.

An IsMyGirl page

IsMyGirl or any other subscription website can be used along with being a sex operator. In fact, you can use your profile on one of these websites to do one on one conversations with your fans!

Selling porn clips or photos

Porn videos and photos are evergreen content, which means that you’ll be earning even when you’re sleeping. This is an option that you should always do because you’ll continuously be performing. For example, if you’re doing cam shows, you can choose to sell your recorded streams for a specific price. Most websites will allow you to do this!

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