Kui palju StripChat mudelid teenivad | Vastatud!

StripChat is one of the most preferred websites for camming. The site has been around since 2016; since then, it has gathered about 60 million monthly visitors. It has excellent traffic. Many people prefer StripChat because it has a friendly and active community, and the members respect each other despite being different.

Paljud mudelid tulevad StripChat because it’s easy to get started. There aren’t many requirements, and everyone can easily start a modeling career on this website. Of course, the main requirement is legal age (+18), but you probably already know that. The website will request a digital copy or good-quality photo of your ID to verify your age. The age verification process is quick; you’ll set up your profile in a few minutes.

Vastavalt StripChat’s official page, top models earn $15,000 monthly. It’s much higher than most camming sites, and the websites pay the models between 50 and 60% of their total earnings. However, everyone has a different experience, which means the two models can earn different amounts, even if they have the same number of followers.

  • StripChat is a popular website for camming, with about 60 million monthly visitors.
  • The site is known for its friendly and active community, and many models are attracted to it because it’s easy to get started.
  • According to the site’s official page, top models can earn $15,000 per month, higher than most camming sites.
  • The site pays models between 50 and 60% of their total earnings.
  • On average, models earn between $3,000 and $10,000 monthly, with new models receiving a boost in their first weeks.
  • Women tend to have the most profitable market on the site, with an average top model making about $5,890 per month. Men make less than women, and couples are also very profitable. Transgender/transsexual models can also make good money on the site.
  • Models can perform various types of shows, and the site offers different ways to earn money, such as through freemium/public shows, private shows, and other incentives.

Me teame, mis toimub loojate tööstuses!

Kuigi paljud ülevaated, juhendid või internetis esitatud teave pärineb ühe mudeli, partneri või fänni vaatenurgast, pärinevad meie teadmised sadade loojatega üks-ühele töötamisest. Alates cam-modellidest kuni rahaliste dominantseteni, meil on lisatud faktide kontrollimise kiht, mis tuleb ainult kogemusega..

Te liitute tuhandete igapäevaste lugejatega, kes tulevad siia õppima kuidas alustada ja teenida rohkem loojana.

Huvitatud ostmisest Pealkirjad pakette, skripte ja muid ressursse, mis aitavad teie ettevõtet? SubToMy.com on teid katnud.


Before knowing how much a model earns on StripChat, let’s first give you some tips to get started so you can make the most of your webcam-performing career right from the beginning.

Kui palju saab keegi StripChatis teenida?

It’s hard to answer this question because most models have different performances and schedules. However, we can tell you that, on average, models earn between $3,000 and $10,000 per month.

However, let’s be realistic; your earnings will be low during your first weeks. But don’t worry; unlike other websites, StripChat actually offers new models a boost so they can place themselves on the website correctly during their first weeks. Isn’t that amazing? You can save a lot of time thanks to that!

Räägime sellest, milliseid saateid saate Stripchatis esitada. Inimesed, kes tulevad sellele veebisaidile, otsivad peamiselt freemium/avalikke show'sid, kus nad saavad vaatajatele jootraha anda, sarnaselt nendega, mis on pärit Chaturbate ja muudel camming-saitidel. Siiski leidub alati inimesi, kes on huvitatud privaatsest show'st, ja kui sul on õnne, võib mõni tasulise liikmelisusega liige sinuga spioonishow's osaleda. Samuti on võimalus, et liige palub Cam2Cam-showd, kus te mõlemad näete otse üksteist ennast rahuldamas.

In private shows, the pay is per minute, and the best part is that you get to set the price. This way, StripChat ensures the amount of money you’ll get from your shows is unlimited. This is why many models try to attract viewers to their freemium shows and incentivize them to request a private show. Earning the most you can is the goal, after all! This is a good strategy, but there are also other ways you can use it to start making money out of StripChat.

Kui palju teenivad naised StripChatis?

As you may know, women have the most profitable market in all camming sites. That’s because most of the audience is made of straight men; therefore, they will look for hot girls to spend a good time with, even if it’s online.

It’s a bit hard to estimate how much a woman can make of StripChat, but we can tell you that they earn more than most people on the website (except for couples, but we’ll explain why later). As we’ve said, an average top model can make about $5,890 per month, depending on how many hours they spend on camera and how much audience they attract.

Kui palju teenivad mehed StripChatis?

Even if most of the models on StripChat are females, you can also find some hot guys here. If you’re a man and are interested in muutumine kaamera mudeliks, then you should know that most of your audience will be made of gay men. Many guys don’t feel comfortable with that, but they miss a lot of fun. This community is respectful and friendly; there’s nothing to worry about!

According to our survey, a man who spends 20 hours a week camming on Stripchat can make up to $3,000 a month and about $1,800 on average.

Overall, men make less than women, but it’s still possible for them to pursue a career and take good advantage of it. If you combine it with other things, like subscription websites, you’ll have extra money at the end of the month.

Kui palju teevad paarid StripChatis?

Couples are very profitable in StripChat and in most cam sites. Many people are interested in live sex shows, and that’s what makes it so attractive. Again, most of the audience are heterosexual males, which means that male-female couples are the most profitable market. However, gaining a good number of followers who enjoy same-sex couples is possible, but it will be a bit challenging.

According to our survey, couples who spend 20 hours a week camming on Stripchat can make up to $4,500 a month and about $2,200 on average.

Couples can make more or the same amount of money as women, but it depends on how much time they spend on camera.

Kui palju teenivad transseksuaalid/transseksuaalid StripChatis?

StripChat tervitab kõiki, kes saavad modellideks, kaasa arvatud trans/transseksuaalsed inimesed. Isegi kui nad ei suuda koguda nii palju publikut kui cis mehed ja naised, saavad nad siiski head raha teenida, kui nad oskavad publikule meeldida.

According to our survey, a transgender MTF who spends 20 hours a week camming on Stripchat can make up to $2,200 a month and about $900 on average. We couldn’t gather enough data for FTM.

Kas te otsite lihtsam viis rohkem raha teenida?

Iga päev uusi sisuideid välja mõelda on piinarikas. Lõpetage igapäevane uute ideede ajurünnak ja investeerige valmis lahendustesse, et parandada oma äri, kasvatada tellijaid ja teenida rohkem raha.

👉🏾 Osta nüüd SubToMy.com ja leia pealkirjapakette, skripte, e-raamatuid ja videokursusi.

StripChati alustamine

Nagu eespool mainitud, ei ole StripChatiga alustamine väga keeruline. Kõigepealt peaksite tutvuma veebilehega seotud oluliste teemadega.


Many think they must spend thousands of dollars on top-notch equipment to become webcam performers. Good resources are great, but when you’ve just started, you only need a computer device and a camera. Let’s see:

  • Sülearvuti või lauaarvuti – A good laptop that lets you go live without problems is necessary. Nowadays, most computer devices you have at home are enough for you to make live streams. However, remember that the basic requirements your computer device must have to stream with no problems are 4 GB of RAM and a good processor (Quad-Core or something better).
  • Hea veebikaamera – Most laptops have a webcam integrated, and that’s great for starters. However, once you get the opportunity (or if you have it right from the beginning), you should purchase a good webcam. Usually, they’re about $50 – $100 on websites like Amazon. A high-quality live show attracts more users than the rest!
  • Mikrofon (valikuline) – Most laptops have a microphone integrated, but if you have a desktop or want a better sound, you should purchase one. Many cheap options work excellently.
  • Hea internetiühendus – If your internet connection is good, so will your stream. Most websites recommend having a 2.0 Mbps connection, including StripChat. Your stream’s quality depends on how high your upload speed is.
  • Esinemiskoht – This is very important! It would help if you decided what the best place for your shows is. When you’ve just started, you’ll probably use your bedroom. Many models have specific rooms in their houses with all the tools they use while streaming. After a while, you should do the same and set up a particular room.
  • Lisad (Valikuline) - Sa võid esineda kõigi eespool nimetatutega, kuid kui tahad asja veidi huvitavamaks muuta, võid hankida mõne kena riietuse, seksimänguasjadja muud asjad, mida võite välja mõelda, et muuta oma esinemised ainulaadseks.
a stripchat model in front of the camera, with the focus being on the camera

StripChati põhiterminite tundmaõppimine

Certain words, terms, and features are exclusive to StripChat. They make StripChat different from most camming sites but aren’t too complicated to get in touch with.

Kasutajate tüübid

Sõltuvalt nimevärvist on palju erinevaid kasutajaid.

  • Hall – Users with no tokens. Every user will be at this point when they first register on the website.
  • Roheline - Kasutajad, kellel on märgid, mis tähendab, et nad saavad teile vihjeid teie avalike esinemiste kohta saata.
  • Endine roheline – Users that used to have tokens but have run out of them.
  • Kuld - Kuulikuulise tellimuslepinguga kasutajad taotlevad suurema tõenäosusega privaatseid saateid kui ülejäänud kasutajad.

Mudel/streamer võib otsustada, kas teha ükskõik millisest juba mainitud kasutajast rüütliks. Rüütel on põhimõtteliselt moderaator, kelle ülesanne on hoida vestluskast sõbralik, lugupidav ja lõbus kõigile.

Rüütlid võivad summutada iga kasutaja, kes on nende arvates striimija või teiste vaatajate suhtes ebaviisakas, nii et nende ülesanne on põhimõtteliselt tagada kõigi rahulik kooseksisteerimine teie esinemise ajal. Rüütliteks saavad saada ainult Gold-liikmelisusega liikmed. Tee kindlasti õige otsus ja vali oma ruumi rüütliks parim inimene!

a stripchat model enjoying a cocktail by the pool after earning money to go on a vacation

Millised inimesed on StripChatis aktsepteeritud?

StripChat doesn’t have a preference over anyone. Of course, women earn more and outnumber men, but you can find models of all kinds on StripChat. There are men, women, and transsexual/transgender people, and the site also welcomes couples that like to perform together (who actually earn more than everyone).

Again, remember that the only requirement to register on the website is of legal age (+18) and everything mentioned in the previous section.

Et rohkem teada saada Stripchati kohta ning lugeda täielikku ülevaadet ja ülevaadet mudelite kohta, kliki siia. Kui olete huvitatud Stripchatiga liitumisest, kliki siia registreerumiseks ja alustada raha teenimist juba täna.

Lisateave Stripchati kohta:

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